Interactive Trail

Web Application












In response to the Newport City Council's request to replace traditional trail leaflets, our team of four students developed a web app. Beyond simply fulfilling this requirement, we integrated features to promote walking in an interactive, game-like manner. Users can earn points by discovering new locations. They can also scan the QR codes on the landmarks along the trails to get additional information about it. Furthermore, the app features a dedicated section for walking events and includes an admin page for seamless website management.

App Features

  • Clean UI: Adhering to the branding guidelines of the Newport City Council.
  • Home Page: Provides information on upcoming events, quick links to different trail levels, and easy access to the QR code scanner.
  • Trails Page: Organized presentation of trails by difficulty level, with comprehensive details for each trail.
  • Events Page: Displays all upcoming events along with relevant details.
  • Landmarks Page: Lists all city landmarks, indicating trails passing through each landmark.
  • Profile Page: Shows user scores and enables avatar customization. Users unlock additional avatars as they accumulate more points.
  • QR Code Scanner and Generator: Facilitates scanning of landmarks' QR codes for additional information and generates QR codes for landmarks.
  • Admin Access: Allows administrators to add, edit, and delete trails, events, and landmarks, providing efficient management of app content.

App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot

Team Work

To facilitate collaboration within our team, we adopted the Scrum Agile methodology. This involved daily scrum meetings and weekly sprints comprising sprint planning, review, and retrospective sessions, ensuring efficient project management. Additionally, we utilized GitLab for version control and code management, enabling seamless collaboration on the same codebase.


Out of all the student groups involved in the project, our team's work was selected as the top choice by the Council representatives.